관련사이트 | URL |
한국언어학회 (The Linguistic Society of Korea) |
http://www.linguistics.or.kr |
한국음운론학회 (The Phonology-Morphology Circle of Korea) |
http://phonology.or.kr |
한국생성문법학회 (The Korean Generative Grammar Circle) |
http://www.kggc.org |
한국어의미학회 (The Society of Korean Semantics) |
http://www.semantics.or.kr |
국어국문학회 (The Society of Korean Lanugage and Literature) |
http://www.korlanlit.or.kr |
한국영어학회 (The Korean Association for the Study of English Language and Linguistics) |
http://www.kasell.co.kr |
국제한국어교육학회 (The International Association for Korean Language Education) |
http://www.iakle.com |
한국국어교육학회 (The Association of Korean Education) |
http://www.korean-lang.com |
한국중앙영어영문학회 (Joongang English Language and Literature Association of Korea) |
http://www.jella.or.kr |
경희언어정보연구소 (Institute for the Study of Language & Information) |
http://isli.khu.ac.kr |
한국외국어교육학회 (The Korea Association of Foreign Languages Education) |
http://www.kafle.or.kr |
THE LINGUIST LIST | http://www.linguistlist.org |
International Circle of Korean Linguistics | http://www.ickl.info |
Linguistic Society of America | http://www.linguisticsociety.org |
CIPL (Comité International Permanent des Linguistes / Permament International Committee of Linguists) |
http://www.ciplnet.com |
Science Direct | http://www.sciencedirect.com |
ELSEVIER | http://www.elsevier.com |
John Benjamins Publishing Company | http://benjamins.com |
Springer | http://www.springer.com/kr |
Centre de recherches linguistiques sur l'Asie orientale | http://crlao.ehess.fr |
Languagetestingjournal.com | http://www.languagetestingjournal.com |